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30 Mar. 2019

          What a week!  There’s so much going on it’s hard to keep up.  It’s hard to decide what’s really important and what’s not.  I’ll admit it – not everything below is actually important, at least to us.  Maybe next week I’ll go all “lofty” on you.  This week, though, I’ll drag the gutter a bit.  It has been that kind of week, after all.  


Alright … let’s dive into this pool.


          You have to give it to Chicago – they really know how to set the rest of the country on its ear.  I can name example after example of weird things that Chicago has done that caused the rest of the nation to shake their heads on disbelief.  The latest part of the Jussie Smollett saga is just another in a very, very long line of nearly unbelievable stories.

          If you only halfway paid attention you know the high points of what happened last week and this one.  You know Smollett’s charges were dropped, all 16 counts.  You know the city’s police superintendent went on camera to express his outrage.  You also know Chicago’s progressive mayor, Rahm Emanuel, also took to the stage to proclaim a “miscarriage of justice” and “a whitewash.”  Of course, Emanuel later managed to convey his real feelings – the entire Jussie Smollett story is Donald Trump’s fault.  Yes, that’s the way they do things in Chicago.

          There’s far more to this saga than meets the eye, though.  Much more.  When you start peeling the onion of just who Jussie Smollett is, his family, and his friends, you begin to see a pattern.  That pattern puts his most recent story in a different light.  All of a sudden what appeared to be a desperate cry for attention from an emotionally weak and dishonest man appears as something else.

          Jussie Smollett’s mother, Janet Smollett, was a very young Black Panther in the ‘60s, a civil rights activist, and friend of Bobby Seale and Huey Newton. One of her best friends of several decades is Angela Davis.  You know those names, don’t you?  Bobby and Huey were co-founders of the Black Panthers in 1966.     Both were well known to be Marxists.  Angela Davis was a Black Panther, too, and a noted decades-long member of the American Communist Party.  It’s probably fair to state Janet Smollett is at least a strong communist sympathizer, if not an actual adherent.  Jussie’s father, Joel Smollett, was also a civil rights activist.  It’s hard to say what his actual politics were, but it’s safe to say Jussie was raised in a home where expressions of radical ideology and connections with active communists weren’t considered abnormal.

          One of Jussie’s better friends and mentors is Kamala Harris.  You may not know of Sen. Harris’ background.  She may just be one of the top ten progressive advocates on the political scene today.  She’s as much a progressive as Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton or Elizabeth Warren.  Harris is also a close friend and political mentor to Illinois State Prosecutor, Kim Foxx, the very same person who decided Jussie should go free.  Their strong progressive ideology knits the Chicago crowd to those from the west coast.

It was the provable indirect link to Smollett via Harris that caused Kim Foxx to recuse herself from the Smollett case at first.  Today she states she never meant “recuse” in the legal sense of the word, but as a colloquialism.  Yeah, I know I always use “recuse”  as a colloquial term, like when I say, “’Scuse me, I got to recuse myself for a minute and visit the little boy’s room.”  Like that.  So, is Kim Foxx a mental case?  She’s a DA who doesn’t use a legal term in a legal connotation.   What’s that about?

Then, there’s the “community service” Jussie served, even before he had his first actual hearing.  He supposedly did 16 hours of community service.  Where did he do that?  Why, under the wing of another family friend; a guy named Jessie Jackson.   Rev. Jessie let Jussie come into his Rainbow/PUSH office to stuff envelopes and make copies for him.  You see, as a registered charity Rainbow/PUSH can accept free help from the county.  Yes, my friends, Jussie helped out Rev. Jessie, a man most noted today for shaking down major corporations and for fathering illegitimate children.  But, as I said … it’s Chicago!

Let’s wrap this up and put a bow on it.  Here’s what I think of this whole Smollett saga.  It had little to do with his acting gig.  Oh, he may like attention alright, but what he engineered was an anti-Trump hit job.   And, I’m 100% certain that was his only goal, and the goal of whoever actually put him up to doing it.  I have no doubt that he didn’t cook up the scheme all on his own.  It was being done to divert attention from something else, as all of the “left hand – right hand” diversions do.  Even his case dismissal was a diversion.  It was timed to take America’s focus off the Mueller Report.  To be very short about it – Smollett is a stooge and his story was concocted as a diversion and for effect.  But, in the end, it has great ramifications.

Today we should look at the Smollett case dismissal as a progressive power move.  The powerful progressives who engineered the dismissal have thrown down a gauntlet to America and dared us to come after them.  They know all the arguments about the two-tiered justice system, and they don’t care.  They’re showing all of us that if you have the right connections with the progressive elite there’s no crime that can be committed that they can’t fix.   Rahm Emanuel called it “a whitewash.”  Even that statement was part of this tableau.  I’m pretty sure they wanted someone to protest that assertion as being racist.  The mayor’s and the police superintendent’s statements of rage were feigned.  The truth is – Jussie Smollett would be tried if they wanted him to, but they don’t.  What they want is for this sorry play to end so they can move on to the next diversion.  What they want is what they always want.  They want progressives to own America.  Jussie has served his purpose for their cause.   WHAT’S NEXT?




I first wrote about Brexit in several articles in 2016, published in my book TRUMP’S TRIUMPH.  I excerpted two of them to illustrate how easy it is to predict problems and potential failures.  It should have been easy for all to see that Brexit was going to be a hard sell.  Today I hold exactly the same hopes and reservations as in 2016.


21 Apr. 2016:  The United Nations proponents of Agenda 21, now formally called Agenda 2030, are heavily invested in Brexit.  They will pull out all stops to ensure Britain stays in the EU.  They fully understand if Britain succeeds in withdrawing it could signal a reversal of the march toward their goals.  If you are like me and totally against the internationalist goals of the U.N., Agenda 2030, and all trappings of the New World Order you’ll reach out to every person you know in Great Britain and tell them of your complete support for Brexit.   Let them know if Brexit fails, our own nation might be right behind them.


25 June 2016:   I hope you won’t accuse me of throwing cold water on a hot topic, but do you really comprehend enough about Thursday’s Brexit vote to realize it as a mostly symbolic act?  Not that it isn’t a huge symbolic act, it is.  But, there will be great mischief played in the coming months and years, and it remains to be seen exactly how independent Great Britain is to be.  She could end up being in a “special category” status with almost identical ties to Europe and the EU as now, only with a few visibly obvious “permissions” and “omissions” that give her the appearance of full sovereignty without actually having it.  In other words, the fat lady isn’t close to singing on this issue, and any grand ball to celebrate British independence is truly premature. 


Britain’s Prime Minister, Teresa May, has tried three times now to sell a Brexit deal.  It might help if she was an actual proponent of Brexit, but she isn’t.  She’s a globalist and has been against Brexit from the beginning.  Unfortunately for her, she was selected to be the PM and one of her charges was to make Brexit happen.  Her first stab at it was to broker a secret deal that would do exactly what I thought in my 25 June 2016 article – sell the pro-Brexit people out.  Since then she’s brokered two other “deals” with Mr. “President of Europe,” Jean Claude Juncker, and neither of those would actually foster the freedom and independence of Britain.

 Yesterday Britain’s Parliament voted down Teresa May’s third deal.  They know when they’re being sold out and they’re doing what they can to put a stop to it.  Last week PM May offered to resign her position if only Parliament would affirm her newest deal.  She was willing to sacrifice her lordly position if only those stuffed shirts in Parliament would vote for their nation’s eventual demise.  How very decent of her, right?  Of course, somewhere in that deal is something that would rescue her.  As with all politicians you know she would have brokered some personal side deal that would activate if only she could wring out a “Yea!” vot .  But, that is not to be.

          It’s encouraging to see Britain fighting so hard over the questions of freedom and liberty.  It’s not good that the fight is so hard or that the people are still in danger of being sold out. 

          What’s strange is how clueless Parliament seems to be.  The requirement for a brokered exit deal was one dreamed up by the EU.  Britain has at least the second best economy in Europe, and leads in many sectors.  Who in their right mind would believe the EU would shun Britain if they exited with no deal at all?  Why would anyone with a knowledge of international commerce and politics not understand the EU has to deal with Britain?  She cannot be ignored!  If those MPs in Parliament truly understood their nation’s position they’d know they’re actually in the catbird seat on Brexit and can almost dictate terms to the EU.  They are in no way in a subordinate position.  And, yet, they tend to act as if they are.  It’s all very, very strange.






Uygurs (pronounced as “we’-gurs”) are a Euro-Turkic Muslim minority population who mostly live in the Zinjiang Autonomous Region in far western China.  It’s seemingly indisputable that the central government in China launched a campaign of oppression and suppression against the Uygurs some years back; a campaign that’s now progressed to the point that there are somewhere upwards of 1M Uygurs in some form of detention.  Some are in forced labor camps, some in daytime detention in what’s referred to as “re-education camps,” and some literally in jail.  The issue in China appears to be the government’s concern over Muslim sponsored agitation and terrorism.  Whether or not that fear is completely rational is debatable.  What’s not debatable is that Uygurs have been fleeing China for a number of years, citing religious persecution in their claims for asylum.

Why do I bring up the Uygurs?  Because recently there was a story published on Breitbart that alleged Sweden was accepting over 11M asylum-seeking Uygurs from China.  Lots of people believed that story and still do.  But does it make a bit of sense?  Sweden has a population of just over 10M, and over 1M of those are foreign-born.  Would any rational government allow such a huge influx of people from a very dissimilar culture?  The story made no sense to me, so I researched it and found nothing to indicate that story is anything other than a sensational exaggeration.

The latest official estimate is there are just over 11M Muslims living in China, though that’s not a validated number.  There are other estimates that put the population a bit higher.  It appears the 11M number in the Breitbart article is based on that total population number.  The article infers all Chinese Muslims are Uygurs, and all are applying for asylum in Sweden, which is entirely untrue.  What appears to be true is there are about 8.8M Uygurs in China and somewhere just over 1M of them have applied for asylum through various UN agencies and foreign embassies.  That’s a far cry from 11M, don’t you think? 

As for the Swedes, it’s true they announced they’d honor all asylum requests from Uygurs.  That announcement follows several years of deportations of Uygurs who had been allowed into Sweden, but ran afoul of Swedish law.  The universal asylum policy appears to be a reaction to reports that all Uygurs deported back to China from western countries were immediately put into detention camps.  Those reports indicate Chinese fear that Uygurs who are abroad pose an existential threat, since they would have access to terrorist training from radical foreign Islamists.

A logical question you might ask is, “How many Uygurs are in the US?”  That’s a bit hard to estimate, but currently it’s believed our nation has somewhere less than 2K.  That’s two thousand!  With a population of 330M, is there any way we’d ever notice them?  So, why should we even care about the Uygur story?   We should care because 1M refugees trying to flee China to come to western countries should make us care.  As we sit and watch the increasing rate of death of western culture in Europe the idea that 1M more members of a Chinese Muslim ethnic minority should concern us all.   The government of China would be more than excited to send all its 11M Muslims to Europe.  They would consider themselves as ridding the country of a huge potential problem.  We might think that is fine for them, but what of Europe if that was to happen?  European culture seems already to be doomed because of immigration policies most of its countries have pursued for the past four decades.  Can they stand an influx of more millions?  Will they actually allow it to happen?  We shall surely see.   I’m thinking they’ll continue to do as they’ve done and hope for some miracle to save them.  It’s evident no one in Europe has a clue of how to do that for themselves, or the will.   




          President Trump says he was exonerated.    He wasn’t.  He was vindicated.  To be exonerated he would first have to be indicted, then tried, then found “not guilty.”  None of that happened, so he wasn’t exonerated.  Vindication is almost the same thing as exoneration, but doesn’t require things like legal charges, etc.  The Mueller report could not possibly exonerate, since it’s a report of investigatory findings, nothing more.  But the summary finding serves as vindication – the investigation produced nothing that could be deemed evidence of any crime committed by Trump, his campaign, his campaign staff, nor anyone in his family.  People – that’s vindication.  Vindication is a good thing!        

          As positive as the Mueller report can be, it’s far from the end of the story.  But, the story has some new elements, thanks to our new Attorney General, Bill Barr.  Barr did some very smart things with the Mueller report.  He retained Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to co-author the summary report that was forwarded to Congress.  He also consulted with Robert Mueller to ensure he had Mueller’s concurrence that the summary accurately described the report and its essential findings.  Those were good moves.  Not enough to silence the rabid dogs of the Democrats in Congress, but good.  Now we can move on to a new phase of harassment of the President.

          The Southern District of New York office of the US Attorney’s Office has active investigations in play.  Everyone in that office now works for Attorney General Barr.  It will be interesting to see what he does with them and their investigations.  Will he quietly instruct them to go back to chasing actual crimes?  Will he give them guidance to terminate their investigations and report preliminary investigation findings to his office so he can determine if anything found to date merits the expenditure of another taxpayer dime?  We shall see.

          Attorney General Barr also has cognizance over John Huber, the US Attorney in Utah.  Huber has been running investigations for a long while now, under a charter given him by former Attorney General Jeff Sessions.  We hear all kinds of rumors about what’s going on in Huber’s office.  Will Attorney General Barr urge Mr. Huber to start showing some of what he’s got?  I don’t know about you, but I certainly hope so.

          There are also indications that Senator Lindsey Graham is going to get hyperactive in his role as the Senate Intelligence Committee chairman and hold a series of hearings aimed at uncovering malfeasance at the Justice Department, the FBI, the CIA, and possibly with the Clinton campaign and all that’s associated with it.  He even talks about finding out once and for all what was going on with the DNC computer hacking.  Lots of people have said “the Russians did it!” but that’s never been proven.  No one has yet examined any of the DNC’s computers to find out who did it.

          If things continue as they have been President Trump will see more and more vindication in coming weeks and months.  The people of our country may see a resurgence of a concept we were thinking was dead – justice.  We may see some of that “second tier” of justice begin to erode.   Gee, wouldn’t that be something!    





          Yet another caravan is forming along the border just south of Mexico.  It appears this will be a never-ending phenomenon.  Until Congress passes changes in our immigration laws that allow our Border Patrol to ship border crosses right back to where they came from we are stuck with our current system, which allows them to remain in our country until they have a hearing before an immigration judge.  What do you think the chances of such reforms getting a floor vote as long as the Democrats own the House?  Right …  ZERO!  It ain’t gonna happen!  The current situation is being exploited every minute by the Democrats.  They cry about the need for immigration reform, but the reforms they want are to make it easier for illegals to stay as long as they want.  They even make proposals to give those same illegals the right to vote.  After all, they’re living here, so why shouldn’t they get to vote for the people who will represent their interests while they’re our “guests?”

          If you studied the Cloward-Piven Strategy you know what’s going on.  Today that strategy is showing just how it works best.  The Border Patrol is completely overwhelmed.  Their holding facilities for illegal crossers who are interdicted are overfull.  More and more illegals pour into the country and surrender to the nearest Border Patrol agent they find.  They’re taken to the Border Patrol station, identified to the best extent possible, fingerprinted, then transported to a city and dumped off the bus.  Thousands and thousands each week are transported to cities like Yuma, Phoenix, Albuquerque, Dallas, Fort Worth, San Antonio, Austin, and many others.  They’re dropped off at bus stations or at reception centers run by Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).  Even those NGOs are overwhelmed.  It’s a completely broken system.

          The newest caravan, now forming, may be the largest one yet.  If so, expect over 10,000 new border crossers.  They all know what to do and say when they get to the border.  They know there’s nothing to fear from the US Border Patrol or our National Guard.  They know that once they’ve crossed our border all their wants and needs will be accommodated and life will be great forever after. 

          Whoever is financing all this nonsense must be dying of laughter.  They’re winning.




          Judge Jeanine Pirro is back from her suspension.  For her that’s two “wins’ in one week.  Evidently she was sued by a Black Lives Matters activist who claimed Judge Pirro defamed him by suggesting he was guilty of inciting violence against police.  The court threw the suit out.  It was ridiculous, and the judge for the case had common sense.  Judge Jeanine needed that win.  She’d been put on the shelf by Fox News management after complaints from the Counsel on Islamic-American Relations (CAIR), a Muslim Brotherhood affiliated organization that specializes in propagandizing for radical Islamic causes and against all critics of Islam.  CAIR complained that Judge Jeanine displayed bigotry on her Fox program when she questioned Representative Ilhan Omar’s patriotism.  She had reasoned that Rep. Omar’s insistence on wearing her hijab on the floor of Congress and swearing into office on a Qur’an was evidence of her adherence to Sharia.  As an adherent of Sharia the Judge believes Omar cannot possibly be serious about her pledge of office to “protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.”   It’s still unclear why Fox made their move against Judge Pirro.  Are they that afraid of CAIR?  Are they so politically correct that they’re afraid of truth?

I know everyone is happy Judge Jeanine is back.  We need her.  She says the things we often wish we had.      


That is all!


In Liberty,