Core Principles of The Common Sense Campaign | Print |

Core Principles of The Common Sense Campaign

1.    "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are LIFE, LIBERTY, and pursuit of HAPPINESS."  We believe that all life, from the moment of conception is sacred and, therefore should be protected.


2.    Life and liberty are sacred; and the earthly pursuit of happiness is and has been best served by a system of free markets and capitalism.

3.    The cornerstone of American self-government is the consent of the people to be governed.  The weight of individual votes shall not be undermined by subversive interests or the tyranny of entrenched incumbents.

4.    The First Amendment to the Constitution must be reaffirmed and restored in its entirety.  While government shall not endorse any particular religion, neither shall it prohibit nor restrict the private or public exercise thereof.  Judeo-Christian beliefs and ethics are, and must remain, part of the foundation the United States of America.

5.    The Second Amendment to the Constitution must be reaffirmed in its entirety.  The right to bear arms applies to the people.

6.    The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution must be reaffirmed and restored.  The Federal Government should retreat to its originally intended limited roles, recognize and respect the sovereignty of the states and the rightful power of the people.


 The Common Sense Campaign will work closely with the Alabama Legislature to write bills to further conservative values.  Go to our website to see the progress we have made and what we are currently working on.

Revised 12/1/13