An Appeal to President Donald J. Trump 4/5/19 By Dave Gunn | Print |


4/5/19           By Dave Gunn


An Appeal to President Donald J. Trump


     Mr. President:


     You have won a notable victory. After almost two years, the Mueller Investigation found no evidence of conspiracy with the Russians to fix the 2016 election, and no evidence of obstruction of justice.


     It is now time for you to look to the future and to the business of the American people without the distraction of an investigation designed to take you out of office. I have a few suggestions for you that, if followed, I believe will serve you well.


     In the first place, I suggest that you forget about Robert Mueller. He has seen the highest point of his career and it is all downhill from here. Because he stacked the highest positions on his investigation team with Democrat-operative lawyers and was particularly nasty about the way he pursued your friends and associates, he has few friend among Republicans. Because he did not prove the accusations against you he has no friends among the Democrats. Say no more about him. Let him sink into oblivion.


     Second, quit spending your time and energy fighting with the lightweights who annoy you. Let your friends take up your cause when little people like Joe Scarborough try to raise their status by attacking you. You stay above the fray, and concentrate on your agenda which has been and will be a boon for America. Use your twitter account to tell your story when the liberal lap-dog fake news media will not. Be positive, uplifting, and joyful.


     Third, forget any impulse to seek revenge on those who have continued to lie about you and accuse you of conspiring with the Russians and obstruction of justice. They are already suffering as they stew in their livid frustration at not being able to bring you down. Time and time again the Democrats in Washington and their willing accomplices in the media and entertainment thought that your defeat was immanent, only to be disappointed time and time again and finally having to face the reality of the Mueller Report. Remember, the best revenge is to live well.


     Fourth, take no action against those who really committed the crimes of which you were accused. You know, and so many others know that Hillary Clinton is the one who conspired with the Russians to purchase the discredited Steele Dossier and through it interfere with the election. You know, and many others know that it was corrupt people in the upper echelons of the FBI and the Justice Department who deceived the FISA Court with that fake dossier into ordering surveillance on you and your campaign associates. You know, and many others know that it was Hillary Clinton who committed obstruction of justice when she destroyed over 30,000 subpoenaed e-mails.


     Let the Justice Department and the appropriate Senate committees investigate these matters. The truth has and will continue to come out.


     Fifth, pay no attention to the comedy of errors taking place in the House of Representatives. They have no less than five committees who will continue to push the Russian collusion/obstruction of justice narrative, but no one will believe them except their most partisan followers. They are, by their antics and their socialist agenda in the process of convincing the American people that they made a mistake whey turned the House of Representative over to that gaggle of loons. Leave them alone. They will sink themselves if you will let them


     Sixth, be patient. Take what legislative victories you can and don’t worry about what you cannot do. Use executive orders when appropriate, but don’t overreach. In 2020, you will be reelected and will have a majority in both houses. One thing you can do: use your influence to see that solid conservatives are nominated for House and Senate offices. We need elephants in Congress, not Rinos.


     Seventh, know that you have more friends than you realize. Outside of the Washington beltway, and away from the late night comedians and liberal lap-dog fake news media, there are a lot of people who love you and what you have done for America. Remind them that you are working daily to make a reality of Ronald Reagan’s “Shining City on a Hill.”



[Dave Gunn is the nom de plume of Dr. David E. Gonnella, pastor of the Magnolia Springs Baptist Church in Theodore, Alabama. The opinions expressed are his own, and do not necessarily represent those of the church or its membership.]