Dr. Lou's 2020 Christmas Message | Print |

Dear CSC Family,

In looking back on old Christmas messages, I was struck by the message of "hope" that always  came through despite how dismal the national political scene was, particularly after Obama won reelection in 2012. We struggled to keep everyone engaged by focusing on what we could do state-wide and at the local level and that worked because we saw some successes in dealing with issues at those levels--not a lot, but enough to validate our time and efforts to staying in the fight. Unfortunately, given the nature of today's threats to our Constitutional Republic, it is difficult to see how we can pivot away from the national scene and not contribute to the undoing of all we hold dear. That is especially true in terms of our Christian faith which is under unrelenting and increasingly overt attack using the Wuhan virus crisis as an excuse to shut down participation in religious services of all faiths. The gap between Christian beliefs and secular thought has always been present, but the American political system (and political thought) has always found a balance between the two that allowed for "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and to God what is God's." Yet, now, those who may actually come to power in America on 20 January have no tolerance for Biblical views of how our lives should be ordered--no different than what was done to Christians in recent history under Soviet and Chinese Communism and what goes on today on a worldwide scale never before seen that includes Communist China and non-totalitarian secular governments (as well as some Muslim entities) hostile to Christianity. 

So, while our celebration of Christmas today represents spiritual hope for all of us, given what we see happening around us, it also brings home the fragility of the tolerant politico-social compact that has existed in America and is now under the most aggressive attack from the usual suspects, but also from the social media powers, the 'mainstream' secular media, and the radical-Left political establishment that has taken over the Democrat party. And therein is what makes today so much different than our previous Christmas messages. As I said in 2013, " I wish this was 1959 and things were the 'way they should be'—but that’s not reality and we have to deal with the world around us. And because we do seek to stand by our principles and fight the good fight, we can all be thankful for the fact that we are doing that. And we are doing that because all of you care and are determined to right the wrongs we see. Think how much worse off everything would be if we did not pursue the truth and fight the good fight. Think how much America’s enemies want us to go away. I think we can be very thankful that we are here offering a different view that takes us back to basic Christian values linked to a Constitutional Republican form of government for which so many have died preserving."

Those words to me are even more applicable today given the nature of the threat we face! The question for us is at what point the politico-social contract of 1789 becomes unworkable because the radical Left refuses to play by the Constitutional rules that have produced more good for more people than ever seen in history. For them, our history is totally flawed and "Fundamental Change" is the only way to undo the past to provide not just equal opportunity for all, but equal results for every American. While we know that goal is impossible to achieve and, in fact what they plan to do to make it happen (socialism/communism) will only guarantee their failure, still, how do we stand by and watch them destroy what has worked so well since 1789? What right do they have to snuff out individual freedom for a collective goal? We know that force is the only way to implement their ideas and programs, so inevitably this will end badly if the radical Left comes to power and tries to implement its programs and policies. I'm not forecasting anything yet, but as some have said, if they want to live like that, then they can form the Socialist States of America and we'll peaceably go our own way with something like the Conservative States of America (CSA--oops).  

I closed my 2013 message with the paragraph below and I think it is even more appropriate today:

"So, yes, Virginia, there are problems out there, but we can thank God for all He has bestowed on us no matter how difficult things look to us now. Perhaps we should look at this a bit differently: Maybe we are God's instruments and we should be thankful that he has chosen us at this time to do his work. Other generations of Americans have had to deal with what looked to be insurmountable problems/threats, yet they overcame all—we too shall prevail because of our faith, patriotism, and acceptance of God's will to follow the path He has set for us."

To all of you who have been with us since our founding in the summer of 2009 (yes, 11 years) and to our newest members who joined at the "Stop the Steal Rally" on the 12th, on behalf of the CSC Board, I want to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year (that obviously depends on how the Wuhan pandemic and political crisis go!). 

God Bless you, your family, our great state of Alabama,  and the Exceptional United States of America !!  Lou