1 Dec. 2018


Dear Friends and Patriots,


          Yesterday I heard two separate news pieces on National Public Radio (NPR) that were convincing proof the broadcast network is fully in the hands of progressives, and absolutely part of the slow coup against President Trump, and therefore an active player in the cool war that simmers.  Then I read an article on their web site at:  www.npr.org entitled "Ethics Agency Warns Federal Workers Not To Discuss Impeachment Or 'Resistance'."  Yeah, after I read that article it made for three separate instances in one day of what can only be anti-Trump propagandizing.

          Both broadcast pieces I heard on my way to work in the morning involved the Michael Cohen case.  You all know about Cohen, so I won't recount the issues with him.  Suffice it to say the guy has very deep financial issues and Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller isn't having any trouble at all leaning on him in his efforts to find at least one “credible” link between President Trump and Russians that proves collusion.  That being said, there were several assertions made during both stories presented as fact, when they clearly are not.  My definition of a grand lie is when someone utters something already demonstrably and publically proven to be false, yet repeats it as if it's truth.  That's what I heard during both broadcasts. 

          One of them most egregious falsehood regards John Podesta's loss of everything from his computer.  The piece not only referred to it as a "hack" but stated unequivocally the Russians did it.  That was stated even though it's absolute fact that Podesta wasn't hacked at all.  He was 'spear-fished.'   He answered his phone one day and the caller identified himself as an IT person who was trying to fix a computer issue for his organization, the Center for American Progress (CAP).  During the conversation the supposed IT person asked Podesta to give his computer ID and log-on password, which he said was needed to fix the problem. Podesta did!  His password, which is the hardest bit of information to get under normal circumstances, was something goofy, like “Podesta.”   The caller thanked him for his cooperation, logged onto the CAP’s server and downloaded its entire contents. That wasn't a hack.  It was theft.  But, to this date the only time I hear the Russians were behind it is when organizations like NPR, WAPO or NYT, or some progressive dump-Trumper Democrat states it.   I don't recall ever hearing a firm assertion from any government intelligence agency. The spear-fish operation could have been from anyone, and yes, it could have come from someone in Russia, but that alone doesn’t make it state-sponsored.

          The second falsehood regards the hacking of the DNC's computer system.   That again was not hacking.  Cursory forensics indicated the data transfer rate of the file downloads could not have been accomplished by an external hacking of the server, but was most likely accomplished by someone plugging a high capacity flash drive directly into one of the DNC computers.   The transfer rate clock speed was just way too fast. The theft could have only been done by someone with access privileges to the system and physical access to a DNC office computer.  Recall that Seth Rich became the suspect of that data theft.  The theory went that he stole the files and was the one who conveyed them to Julian Assange and WikiLeaks.  We may never know the truth of that, though, since Rich was murdered in broad daylight on a downtown Washington D.C. street almost immediately after DNC senior staff did a review to determine the most likely insider culprit.  (You all should know by now I don't believe in coincidence)  To date I've yet to hear any DNC computer has had any in-depth forensics done to conclusively prove who pulled off that heist.  Recall that Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was DNC chair at the time and she wouldn't let anyone near those computers, not even the FBI.   

          Then there was that bunch of Pakistanis who engineered the scam where they were supposedly doing system management on the computers of the congressional Democrats and the DNC, and those guys made off with all the data in all those computers.  Yet, the Russians are to blame.  Yeah, the Russians. And, once again, there was Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, denying the FBI, who wanted to examine her laptop.

          Another assertion heard this morning regarded George Papadopolous. If you believe what was said, he was a real player in the Trump campaign organization who knew all about how the Russians had hacked into Hillary Clinton’s servers and made off with those missing 30,000 E-mails she tried to delete. Of course no mention was made of the known truth that Papadopolous was completely set up to be a fall guy in the scam to provide phony validation of the so-called Trump Dossier. Everyone who pays attention knows Papadopoulous is guilty of being a vain little guy who’s ego made him vulnerable to compromise by intel operatives, but little else. He bought a lie fed to him by Maltese professor Joseph Mifsud, was set up to relate that lie to a cut-out, Australian diplomat Alexander Downer, who then phoned the FBI and reported the lie to Peter Strzok as “I was just informed of . . . “ which allowed the FBI to cite a “credible source” when in fact they were behind the whole thing. NPR knows the truth, yet they continue to spread lies that Papadopolous knew all about how Hillary’s E-mails were filched by Russians. The implication is he knew who did it, because it was part of the collusion.

          NPR's strident and repetitive attempts to create the illusion that there was a successful conspiracy between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin is hard to fathom.   The network has given up pretending to be unbiased.  Every day you can hear anti-Trump rhetoric on NPR.   They're only getting worse.  They've become a loud, tax-supported enemy of the President.  They can claim full membership in that shrieking mad-dog cabal of anti-Trump media operatives who are the lapdogs of the progressives.  They've weaponized their broadcasts with subtle references that begin with "Of course we all know that . . . . (insert lie here)."  Only of course, we all don't.  At least all who actually seek the truth and find it.

          REPUBLICANS - DEDICATED LOSERS. Last night I was listening to Lou Dobbs' show and heard one of his guests repeat something I'd written a couple of years ago.  She stated the Republicans in the House weren't unhappy about ceding control of that body to Democrats.  Dobbs blinked and reacted like he'd been kicked in the shins.  He asked her to explain.  She did, in much the same way I've explained it.  Running the House is a bit of a chore, and it's much more fun throwing darts than being the target and catching them all.  It's another great example of political sloth and cowardice, but that's exactly what she was illuminating about the House Republicans.  I was delighted!  Someone else sees them exactly as I do!   Yippee!  Gee, what a sorry bunch of sell-outs.   But, we elected them, folks.  They're only there because we send them.    HINT:  You want a better government - find better people to run for office.   I know, though, with this country in the current meat-grinder mood it's in, that's almost impossible to do.  We have to put up with a continuous clown show as a result.   It's all very depressing at times.

          THE BORDER FIASCO. Recently I've been watching coverage about the so-called migrant caravan.   Those people aren't migrants, and it's not a caravan.  Most everything you hear about what's going on there are lies, except on Fox News and possibly NewsMax.  Every aspect of this episode was carefully scripted, staged, and managed.  A lot of money was behind it.  It's the biggest example of a Cloward-Piven ‘overwhelm’ strategy ever attempted.  Will it succeed?   A month or so ago I told you I thought it would; that the "migrants" would be allowed in and aided by all the bleeding heart organizations to disperse all across the land.  Today, I'm just not sure.  President Trump is holding fast and I see no sign in him that he'll relent.  While part of me feels sympathy for all those thousands of people who bought into the idea they could just walk into the US and stay. Another part of me says, "They should have listened when President Trump told them to go home."  He's never once said they could come.  He's never once said they had any rights at all to do what they've done.  They have only themselves and the progressive organizations that aided them to blame.   I may agree that the migrants are victims, but they aren't victims of anything done by our government.  We're enforcing our own laws and insisting they recognize them and obey.  Sometimes justice is hard.  This is one of those times.   To abandon our laws is to abandon justice.   Who wins when that happens?   They need to pack up, head home, and tell all those in the other caravans coming north to turn around and go home, too.   You migrants – go home and fix your own countries!  You are not America’s problem! I’m sorry; it’s just true.

          THE FRENCH GET FRENCHY AGAIN. Did you follow the demonstrations in France?  That little Macron guy is doomed.  He's yet another socialist fool who thinks he can placate enough people to stay in power.  As time goes by his socialist pedigree becomes ever more apparent.  He's a wimp trying to play a strong man's game.   In a country that allows student to riot in the streets in protest over tuition increases he thought he could raise taxes on gasoline and diesel fuel.   Of all the regressive taxes that exist, fuel taxes are among the worst.  His policies were stabbing the working people in their hearts and wallets.   Isn't it enough that France has to deal with increasing crime from all the Muslims they have living there?  Do the French have to put up with their government preying upon them, too?

          BREXIT GETS NEUTERED.   In Britain there's another BREXIT struggle going on.  Prime Minister Teresa May tried to pull a fast one on the entire country with the crappy deal she worked out with the EU.  That deal was supposed to take Britain out of the EU, yet preserves most of the requirements of all other members.  The deal she brokered changed a few adjectives and moved a couple of commas.  If it is affirmed by Parliament Britain will officially not be in the EU, but it really will.  They will stay obligated to obey the dictates of the EU's European Commission.  In other words, other than having the Union Jack as their flag and maintaining their royal family as historic relics, Britain would remain a vassal state and still be legally obligated to follow all the dictates of those globalists on the mainland.  If Prime Minister May succeeds with her efforts to get confirmation of her sorry deal, we may as well write off her country.   In a way, it really doesn't matter.  Soon enough Britain, too, will be a majority Muslim country and will be part of the EU, which will become the European caliphate.   I do hope the Archbishop of Canterbury gets an asylum offer from someone.  Otherwise one day in his future he may find himself paying the jizya to the chief Imam there.   Only then will all Brits finally understand exactly why the Pilgrims left their land to come over here.   You think they'll learn?  I doubt it.

          THAT MUELLER GUY AGAIN. The Mueller Investigation plods on.  They're looking high and low for more process criminals.  Keep in mind, most of those people aren't criminals until they agree to talk to the feds.  It's only after a few conversations with FBI or Justice Department lawyers or in front of a Congressional subcommittee that they all of a sudden find out they're on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted list.   To date Mueller's group of investigators have racked up a few convictions and some more indictments, but all involve either crimes that predated the beginning of the 2016 election cycle or were process crimes the newly minted criminal had no intent to commit.   Is it me or is something very wrong in all that?  This latest round involving Jerome Corsi is probably the worst.   The Justice Department is trying to hijack the guy; that’s obvious and blatant. 
          Not only are we seeing confirmation of the reality of the two-tiered justice system, we're watching actual crimes being committed by the very people charged with keeping us all safe from criminals.  One thing I've learned from all this - if I ever get "invited" to talk to any federal investigator I will decline.  If I'm ever detained for questioning by them for any reason at all, I'm not saying a word.   If they arrest me for any reason they can speak to my hand or my lawyer, but they won't hear a syllable from me. 

          In the "old days" we looked to the Justice Department and FBI to protect us from the bad guys.  Today we all better understand - no one protects us, but us.  Our government grows more powerful and intrusive by the day.  The Swamp is intact and fighting every day to maintain its status quo until one of theirs once again ascends to the office of the President. We all should pray that doesn’t happen. If it does, look out. We’ll never again experience a free election in this country.


          WHEN ARE WE HEARING FROM HUBER? US Attorney John Huber is supposed to come out of the hills of Utah and testify before the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Reform.   It’s obvious Republicans want as much on record about how he spent the past two years as they can get before this session of Congress closes and the Democrats take over the House. Huber is the one Q-Anon posts point to as the guy who’s been busy running an indictment mill to take out all the creatures of the DC Swamp in one fell swoop. The problem in all the speculation is it’s unsubstantiated by anything remotely concrete. There are hopes Huber will spill his guts at least enough to give the proponents of equal justice hope that we’ll see some of that justice prevail for once in a very, very long time. So, the question is . . . when? Then we all just have to wait and keep hoping.

          You’ve all heard the old saying, “Justice delayed is justice denied,” haven’t you? We have many, many thousands of instances of justice delayed when it comes to the many plots in the bureaucracy of Washington. The people deserve a clean house. We all hope Mr. Huber has a big and effective broom.   Please, Mr. Huber, delight us! Give us what we need. Then you can be Jeff Sessions’ replacement as Attorney General and all who love justice and truth will be happy.   (Sigh!) At least, that’s my dream. What’s yours?

The slow coup continues unabated.  The cool war grows a bit warmer.

In Liberty,
