YES, IT’S TRUE – WE ARE AT WAR WITH RUSSIA 18 Feb. 2018 | Print |


18 Feb. 2018

Dear Friends and Patriots,


          By now you’ve all heard about the Justice Department indictments against 13 Russians and 3 Russian organizations for their activities to disrupt the American political process since 2014.  Yes, they were here on our shores, pretending to be American political activists and working very hard to sow discord among our populace.  There’s only one real question that needs answering:  Were they successful?  If surviving to return to their “normal” lives in Russia without being arrested in the US for their misdeeds is success, then yes, they were remarkably successful.  Otherwise, not so much.

          The Russians spent time developing and posting Facebook memes that declared support for one candidate or another and other memes meant to demonstrate opposition, sometimes to the same people they’d earlier supported.  They posted Twitter messages to do exactly the same things, and had a PodCast that posed as a pro-conservative discussion group.  They organized a few anti-Trump rallies, but also did a few that were anti-Hillary.  The evidence proves their intent was not to actually sway votes as much as to drive conversations to the extreme limits.  Their aim was to provoke both “left” and “right” into screaming, spittle-spewing fits and to drive a permanent wedge between Americans solely based on political ideology.  While it may be true they had some limited success, exactly how much is unprovable.  It’s rational to believe the people who were motivated by any gambit of the Russians were already motivated in the direction the Russians sought to lead.  In the greatest sense the entire operation wasn’t really worth much.  But, there are other considerations.

          Consider that a group of Russians could come into America, adopt convincing identities and pose as Americans for as long as two years, actively prosecute their plan to create chaos in our land, then seemingly disappear.  We have a huge national debate on immigration today and how broken that system is, and this incident is stark proof of that reality.  Consider also these Russians seemed to have no problem being accepted as real Americans; they knew how to blend in and not arouse unnecessary suspicion.  Consider that the Russian operatives were coordinated from a central operating site in St. Petersburg and they were sophisticated enough to keep it all uncovered until after it shut down.  Consider that there are likely to be other teams of such people operating in our midst today for the exact same reasons, and maybe for others.  It’s a bit unsettling, isn’t it?

          It’s been generally accepted the Russians were behind the DNC server hacking episode, and now those same Russians have all kinds of potential leverage over the Democratic Party.  Who knows what they have?  The officials of the DNC know, but they aren’t exactly talking about the hacking incident.  How many other hackings by Russian interests have occurred?  How many are planned?  It’s rational to believe many have happened and many more are in execution and planning stages.

          RT is a Russian national enterprise.  It’s a propaganda- dispensing machine and often a very sophisticated one.  It broadcasts freely in much of America.  After all, we have that First Amendment thing that paves the way.  Propaganda is protected speech, you know.  The protection against its effectiveness is education in history, political sophistication, and a lot of experience in applying First Principles to all such things.  Those are protections sadly lacking in our society.

          Have you heard about the World National Conservative Movement (WNCM)?  No?  If not, you need to plug in.  The WNCM is a real thing.  Well, it’s sort of real, and sort of not.  It was conceived in 2014 in Russia and put into action in 2015.  If you Google the term you’ll see there’s been evidence of them for a while, and there’s evidence of a convening of principles of the movement in Russia in 2015.  All the right people were there.  Right, as in nationalist conservative movement representatives from many nations, including the US.  Yes, we were represented (apparently) by members of Traditionalist Youth Network, League of the South, American Freedom Party, and the American Renaissance Party, joined by four people with individual invitations:  David Duke, Professor Kevin McDonald, Jared Taylor, and Sam Dixon.  The WNCM may or may not be a cohesive organization (I personally don’t think so) but still may be a force in the world; a force that promotes chaos.

          The logo of the WNCM depicts two broadswords crossed over a shield, against a grey granite background.  It reminds one of fascist iconography and in some ways of the kind of emblem conceived by the old Soviets.

          If you examine the name of the WNCM and those of the “member” organizations you’ll understand a bit about who they are and what agenda they push.  In America those groups are most often referred to as neo-Cons, neo-Nazis, or fascists.  They’re what the media touts as the ultra-Right. 

It’s interesting that the Russians would host a movement that supports that ideology isn’t it?  It shouldn’t be, though.  It should make perfect sense.  After all, the Russian government is decidedly nationalist.  It sort of makes sense they might see nationalist conservative movements in other countries as kin of their own.  You only need to think it through to understand what’s really going on.  The WNCM is a shell organization used to funnel Russian funding to member organizations and individuals to promote general chaos in every corner of the world.  We’ve seen it here.  We’ve seen it in many countries across the globe.  It may not be obvious to most, but it needs to be.  The targets of the WNCM are all western democracies.

Consider the Charlottesville demonstrations and confrontations last year.  When you understand the goals of the WNCM and the Russian operations to create general chaos in our nation, how far-fetched is it to believe both sides in Charlottesville were funded and abetted by people working for Russian interests?  Charlottesville was one; there have been others.  Perhaps the anti-police demonstration in Tennessee this weekend was one.  Today, we just don’t know, but it fits the pattern almost perfectly.

How much do you know about George Soros and his followers?  Do you know Soros was considered the Soviet Union’s favorite American for many years?   He made a huge fortune brokering deals behind the Iron Curtain, principally in fossil fuel production businesses.  Soros has been widely admired by the power elite in Russia forever. They understand his ruthless ways, and he understands theirs.   Consider that Soros-affiliated funds backed the so-called leftist Antifa, Black Lives Matters, and many other groups who showed up in Charlottesville and WNCM helped fund those who showed up on the pretext of defending a statue of Robert E. Lee.  Yes, consider it, and then consider that most people on the street and those watching their TV screens were completely ignorant that the entire show was staged to create chaos and discord.  It worked, too!  But, my thought from the afternoon of the second day of the Charlottesville weekend was that it was nothing more than a show put on for the amusement of those pulling strings from behind a curtain somewhere.  Most of the people on the streets didn’t know.  But there were some who did.  David Duke was there.  Professor Kevin McDonald and Jared Taylor were there, too.  Yes, the links were there, but who all was aware enough to make the right connections?

If I dare to predict the near future on this topic, it would be that we’ll see several more revelations of Russian intrigues.  That’s okay, just as long as people begin to understand that if our society hadn’t been pre-conditioned to fall for all the games the Russians are playing they would have almost no effect at all.  But, that’s not the case.  The truth is, we are ill-equipped to defend ourselves against sophisticated disinformation campaigns and those intended only to create chaos and discord.  Our government is populated by people who are pretty much just like us.   What level of confidence should we have that they are any better at figuring out Russian games when they’re in play?  The evidence indicates it would be foolhardy to do so.  While they’re pretty darned smart in retrospect they tend to fail to prevent these international scams on our nation.  They’re like most law enforcement organizations – they react to crimes committed, but seem only to prevent crimes when luck and happenstance work in their favor.
          I repeat my contention that the protection against the effectiveness of all these shenanigans is education in history, political sophistication, and a lot of experience in applying First Principles to all such things.  We can’t actually depend on our government to protect us.  In the end, we are the ones who have to do that.

This is how wars between strong nations are fought today.  No one wants to get in a direct conflict that could jeopardize millions of citizens.  That leaves the war to people operating in the shadows.  It’s a war that creates countless victims, but the ultimate victims of this war may be all western democracies and our ways of life.  In the end this war is about the same thing a shooting war might be – the survival of freedom itself.


In Liberty,